Articles with tag: "radomes"

(Note: figures do not appear in the summaries below)
  1. Radomes and Antennas

    "The current use of improved airplane ice-prevention equipment has extended operations in icing conditions and thus accentuated the need for protecting aircraft antennas against structural failures resulting from ice accretions"

    Figure 7 of NACA-RM-E7H26a. Typical ice formation collected during flight on 15°, 34-foot antenna and the
64°, 40-foot antenna. View underneath antennas, looking forward.

    These reviews are for studies of the effect of ice on radomes and antennas.

    • Gowan, W. H., Jr.: Vibration and Investigation of CAA Type V-I09 Very-High-Frequency Aircraft Antenna. NACA-RM-SE9D20. 1949.

      "After 7 minutes of icing, however, one antenna element experienced a vibratory failure"
      > review: NACA-RM-SE9D20

    • Kepple, W. L.: Determination of Aircraft Antenna Loads Produced by Natural Icing Conditions. NACA-RM-E7H26a, 1948.

      "The current use of improved airplane ice-prevention equipment has extended operations in icing conditions and thus accentuated the need for protecting aircraft antennas against structural failures resulting from ice accretions"
      > review: NACA-RM-E7H26a

    • Lewis,James P., and Blade, Robert J.: "Experimental Investigation of Radome Icing and Icing Protection", NACA-RM-E52J31, 1953.

      "At present …

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  2. Bodies of Revolution

    "The presence of radomes and instruments that are sensitive to water films or ice formations in the nose section of all-weather aircraft and missiles necessitates a knowledge of the droplet impingement characteristics of bodies of revolution."


    Figure 1. Coordinate system for droplet trajectory calculations about an ellipsoid of revolution of fineness ration 5.


    Water-drop impingement on several bodies of revolution is quantified.


    NACA-TN-4092 4 notes:

    The impingement characteristics of bodies of revolution are of interest because such bodies are representative of many aircraft components subject to icing such as radomes, body noses, engine accessory housings, and the large spinners of turboprop engines.

    NACA-TN-3099 1 is the first in a series and has a rather complete description of the analysis methods, so the discussion below refers to that, unless noted otherwise.

    Flow field

    Potential flow can be determined in 2D radial coordinates as well as 2D Cartesian coordinates. This was used to assess several geometries.

    The air velocity components for incompressible nonviscous flow about a …

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  3. Component Icing

    "I am surprised to find that there are so many details which have not been anticipated before the de-icing tests were started." (1942)

    Figure 1. Typical fuel-vent configuration mounted on NACA 65,2-216 airfoil section in
test section of icing research tunnel.
    Figure 1 from NACA-TN-1789.


    The effects of icing on small components must be addressed.

    Key points

    1. Flight tests in natural icing revealed (and still reveal) small component icing effects.
    2. Fuel vents designs were evaluated.
    3. "At present very little is known of the effect of radome icing on radar operation."
    4. The effect of icing on the radome for radar was evaluated.


    We saw some details of the Lewis Rodert's work on the Lockheed 12A test aircraft in Engine Exhaust Heat. However, wing ice protection was not the only challenge:

    To fly into ice clouds and survive, the Ames group necessarily became expert on the impact of ice on the total aircraft. "I am surprised to find", noted [NACA Langley] Engineer-in-Chief Smith DeFrance, "that there are so …

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