Articles with tag: "handbook analysis"

(Note: figures do not appear in the summaries below)
  1. Aircraft Icing Handbook Energy Balance Examples

    Published: Mon 08 April 2024
    Updated: Mon 03 February 2025

    Ice shape types as a function of airspeed and ambient temperature for a liquid water content of 0.2 g/m^3.
    Public domain image by Donald Cook.


    To learn the energy terms and equations, readers should first review the "Standard Computational Model", which combines the applicable sections original DOT/FAA/CT-88/8-1 and the update into one text.


    The term "standard computational model" has not seen wide use. Most recent literature refers to the "Messinger Model" or "Modified Messinger Model". That may or may not mean the "standard computational model" presented here. As noted for calculating evaporation:

    There are a variety of formulations of this term.

    That could also apply to several of the terms in the model. "Modified Messinger Model" could mean about anything, you would need to look at the details.

    The energy examples in the handbook are less detailed than the ones we previously saw for impingement.

    The "Standard Computational Model" is implemented here in the python programming language and is available via …

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  2. Aircraft Icing Handbook Water Catch Examples

    Published: Mon 08 April 2024
    Updated: Wed 05 February 2025

    Graph of water catch efficiency Em versus Ko for a cylinder.
    Public domain image by Donald Cook.


    The "Aircraft Icing Handbook", DOT/FAA/CT-88/8-1, provides examples of two-dimensional water catch rates for the ice accretion process.

    The Handbook uses something like "US Customary" or "Engineering" units in the calculations. This may limit the direct reuse of the equations.

    These calculations can be reasonably accomplished through hand calculations, or a spreadsheet. However, they can be important "stepping stones" to build more complex capabilities.

    Code written in the python programming language is available via, file "intermeadiate/" (and associated files) for the solutions, under the LGPL license. Internally, the code uses (mostly) SI units (see A Brief Digression on Unit Systems for details). There are unit conversion functions in the python code. Values here are reported in the handbook units.

    You are encouraged to run the provided code, or to start building your own …

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  3. Aircraft Icing Intermediate Level

    Published: Mon 08 April 2024
    Updated: Tue 11 March 2025

    Figure 2-71. Effect of total temperature on the ice shape.
    From "Aircraft Icing Handbook Volume 1", DOT/FAA/CT-88/8-1


    After The Basics, you are ready for Intermediate level aircraft icing topics:

    • Using handbook analysis methods
    • Using computer icing analysis tools to produce ice shapes
    • Preliminary ice protection system sizing

    The Intermediate Level is a work in progress, as there may yet be many revisions and additions. However, it may be useful "as is" to some readers.

    Prerequisite: Select your toolset

    You are encouraged to run code to reproduce the examples used here. By doing so, you can build your personal and software capabilities and skills.

    Example calculations are provided here in the Python programming language, and using the NASA-provided LEWICE code.

    There are several reasons why you might use a different toolset. See Analysis Toolset for more details and options.

    Every analysis is an approximation

    We can also say that every test is an approximation …

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