Meteorological Instruments

Published: Fri 25 November 2022
Updated: Sat 18 May 2024

tags: instruments

"A review ... of meteorological factors conducive to aircraft icing reveals outstanding needs"

Meteorological Instruments Thread

Figure 6 from NACA-RM-E51E16. Rotating-disk type icing-rate meter.


Several instruments were developed and improved during the NACA-era to measure icing conditions.

Numerous modes of physics were explored, and distant descendants of some devices are still used today.

See also Icing on cylinders, and Calibration of the NACA Icing Wind Tunnels.


Rotating Multicylinders

  • NACA-TN-2708, Comparison of Three Multicylinder Icing Meters and Critique of Multicylinder Method.
  • NACA-RM-E53D23, Procedure for Measuring Liquid-Water Content and Droplet Sizes in Super-cooled Clouds by Rotating Multicylinder Method.

Nine instruments NACA-RM-A9C09

  • Rotating Multicylinders
  • Fixed Cylinder
  • Rotating-Disk Icing-Rate Meter
  • Capillary Collector
  • Rainbow Recorder
  • Dew-Point Recorder
  • Visibility Meter
  • Sooted Slides
  • Drop Photography

Water drop imaging

  • NACA-RM-E50K01a
  • NACA-RM-E51G05
  • NACA-TN-3592

Heated probes

  • NACA-RM-E50J12a
  • NACA-TN-2615
  • NACA-RM-A54I23

Inference from airfoil impingement

  • NACA-TN-1397
  • NACA-TN-2476
  • NACA-RM-E52B12

Corona discharge

  • NACA-TN-2458

Modified pressure probe

  • NACA-RM-E51E16

Conclusions of NACA Icing Instruments

Possible additions

  • Vonnegut, B., Cunningham, R. M., and Katz, R. E.: Instruments for Measuring Atmospheric Factors Related to Ice Formation on Airplanes. De-Icing Res. Lab., Dept. Meteorology, M.I.T., April 1946.
  • Golitzine, M.: Method for Measuring the Size of Water Droplets in Clouds, Fogs and Sprays. National Aeronautical Establishment Canada, Note 6 (ME-177), 1951.

Selected Images

Figure 6 from NACA-RM-E50K01a. General view of droplet camera.
Figure 6 from NACA-RM-E50K01a

Figure 2 from NACA-RM-E50J12a. Construction details of NACA liquid-water-content meter.
Figure 2 from NACA-RM-E50J12a

Figure 5 from NACA-TN-1397. Relation of water-drop trajectories to streamline 
field about symmetrical Joukowsi airfoil 12 percent thick.
Figure 5 from NACA-TN-1397

Figure 7 from NACA-TN-2458. Rear view of charged-droplet cloud analyzer 
mounted on bomb-bay doors of airplane.
Figure 7 from NACA-TN-2458

Figure 1 of NACA-RM-E51E16. Principle of operation of NACA pressure-type 
icing-rate indicator.
Figure 1 from NACA-RM-E51E16


The next thread in the NACA review series is the Ice Protection Thread.


The Historical Selected Bibliography of NACA-NASA Icing Publications Meteorological Instruments section [some with links to prior reviews]:

  • Bergrun, Norman R.: A Method for Numerically Calculating the Area and Distribution of Water Impingement on the Leading Edge of an Airfoil in a Cloud. NACA-TN-1397, 1947.
  • Jones, Alun R., and Lewis, William: A Review of Instruments Developed for the Measurement of the Meteorological Factors Conducive to Aircraft Icing. NACA-RM-A9C09, 1949.
  • McCullough, Stuart, and Perkins, Porter J.: Flight Camera for Photographing Cloud Droplets in Natural Suspension in the Atmosphere. NACA-RM-E50K01a, 1951.
  • Perkins, Porter J.: Flight Instrument for Measurement of Liquid-Water Content in Clouds at Temperatures Above and Below Freezing. NACA-RM-E50J12a, 1951.
  • Perkins, Porter J., McCullough, Stuart, and Lewis, Ralph D.: A Simplified Instrument for Recording and Indicating Frequency and Intensity of Icing Conditions Encountered in Flight. NACA-RM-E51E16, 1951.
  • Levine, Joseph, and Kleinknecht, Kenneth S.: Adaptation of a Cascade Impactor to Flight Measurement of Droplet Size in Clouds. NACA-RM-E51G05, 1951.
  • Brun, Rinaldo J., Levine, Joseph, and Kleinknecht, Kenneth S.: An Instrument Employing a Coronal Discharge for the Determination of Droplet-Size Distribution in Clouds. NACA-TN-2458, 1951.
  • Bergrun, Norman R.: An Empirical Method Permitting Rapid Determination of the Area, Rate, and Distribution of Water-Drop Impingement on an Airfoil of Arbitrary Section at Subsonic Speeds. NACA-TN-2476, 1951.
  • Brun, Rinaldo J., Serafini, John S., and Moshos, George J.: Impingement of Water Droplets on an NACA 651-212 Airfoil at an Angle of Attack of 4°. NACA-RM-E52B12, 1952.
  • Neel, Carr B., Jr., and Steinmetz, Charles P.: The Calculated and Measured Performance Characteristics of a Heated-Wire Liquid-Water-Content Meter for Measuring Icing Severity. NACA-TN-2615, 1952.
  • Howell, Wallace E.: Comparison of Three Multicylinder Icing Meters and Critique of Multicylinder Method. NACA-TN-2708, 1952.
  • Lewis, William, Perkins, Porter J., and Brun, Rinaldo J.: Procedure for Measuring Liquid-Water Content and Droplet Sizes in Super-cooled Clouds by Rotating Multicylinder Method. NACA-RM-E53D23, 1953.
  • Neel, Carr B., Jr.: A Heated-Wire Liquid-Water-Content Instrument and Results of Initial Flight Tests in Icing Conditions. NACA-RM-A54I23, 1955.
  • Hacker, Paul T.: An Oil-Stream Photomicrographic Aeroscope for Obtaining Cloud Liquid-Water Content and Droplet Size Distribution in Flight. NACA-TN-3592, 1956.
