Welcome to the "Blast from the Past" Newsletter! Reviews of the NACA-era aircraft icing publications, 1915 to 1958. - Big News: Switched from copyright to CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license on the website. - Latest post: Revised icinganalysis.com/instructive-illustrations.html to include a new addition to the honor roll. - What is in work: The Porter Perkins series is almost done https://icinganalysis.com/..., will start publishing in mid-January. - Latest finds / Public Domain Image of the Week: NACA + NASA Timeline https://www.nasa.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/naca-nasa-aero-contributions-timeline.pdf : This two-sided poster highlights key aeronautics research and flight test achievements from 1957 through NASA's 50th anniversary year in 2008. Side 1: NACA: Solving Decades of Aviation Challenges (There is a side-two about something else.) Three mentions of ice or icing: 1927: Theodore Theodorsen and W.C. Clay begin research on aircraft anti-icing. 1936-1945: Thermal Ice Prevention Systems at NACA were created to investigate effective counter-measures to the problems of ice formation on aircraft 1946: Collier Trophy to Lewis A. Rodert for helping to develop and deploy a practical ice-prevention system for aircraft - The secret newsletter archive Subscribers may view the newsletter archives at https://icinganalysis.com/... The public may view them a few weeks after they are published at https://icinganalysis.com/newsletter-archive.html CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 by Donald Cook icinganalysis.com